Documenting with Sphinx

Sphinx is a tool that helps you easily combine automatically-generated, docstring-based documentation with custom written tutorials and example scripts (usually in the form of Jupyter notebooks). It is the de facto standard for Python package documentation.


The markdown language used to combine the various types of documentation into a cohesive website is ReStructuredText.

RST was originally designed to author complex documents, from books to webpages, and so is has all the complexity of other document creation languages such as LaTeX.

However, for the purposes of creating Python documentation, a very simple subset of the RST language is required.

All other details, such as italics, lists, links, tables, etc. can be easily looked up in the RST quickref guide.


Titles in Sphinx are handled by simply underlining (and/or overlining) the text with a symbol. Subsection titles are simply treated by choosing a different symbol.

Sphinx doesn’t really care what symbol you use for what section heading level (it’s inferred at document compilation time), but it’s good to be consistent.

Main title

Intro text goes here.

Section title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Subsection title

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Another Subsection

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Another Section

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

You can use titles in your docstrings, and when Sphinx includes them in the documentation, they will be rendered appropriately.


Labels work similarly to LaTeX. They should be unique strings and will be used within your documentation for cross references, like links.

Two dots, a space, and an underscore mark the start of a label. A colon marks its end.:

.. _label-text:

Example title

This particular label would be referenced via a link like:

Anywhere in the text, you can make it so that `this text points to the
"Example title" above <label-text>`.

Note that any title can be given a label. In particular, this can often be useful for references specific sections of a long docstring from elsewhere in the documentation.

Roles and Directives

Anything that can’t be achieved with vanilla restructured text is done via so-called “directives”, which are just extension commands that are understood by the RST compiler.

The most common examples are things like

  • image/figure: for including images
  • code-block: for including code in various languages with syntax highlighting
  • math: for including LaTeX-style “display math” using MathJax

The syntax for using a directive is similar to a label. Two dots and space mark the start of a directive (note no underscore!) and two colons demarcate the end of the directive’s name:

.. directive-name:: arg1 arg2 arg3
    :named-parameter1: value1
    :named-parameter2: value2

    Text that the directive should be applied to. it
    must be indented. also note the blank link before
    the text starts.

    The text block can span multiple paragraphs, and
    ends when indentation returns to its previous level.

    .. note::

        Directives can be nested like this. Notice the
        simpler syntax for directives that do not
        require any arguments.

The above directive should be thought of as calling a python method with signature

def directive_name(a1, a2, a3, named_param1=None, named_param2=None):

In this syntax, the above directive call is equivalent to directive_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, named_param1=value1, named_param2=value2). In the RST world, unnamed arguments are called “arguments” and named arguments are called “options”.

There are also inline versions of directives called “Roles”. The syntax for these is much simpler:

In the middle of a sentence, you can simply use the
:role-name:`text` syntax for simple things like inline
code or math.

The most common roles are:

  • code: for inline code markup/syntax highlighting
  • math: for inline math, analogous to latex’s single dollar sign environment
  • ref (Sphinx-specific): for creating links between different documents in your documentation. Prefer this over the usual link <syntax>.

The full list of standard RST roles can be found in the official docs. The extra roles provided by Sphinx are listed on the Sphinx website.

The full list of standard RST directives can be found at in the official documentation. The extensions added by Sphinx are documented in the Sphinx docs.


In addition to forgetting indentation in a directive, another common gotcha with RST is that it uses two newlines to separate paragraphs (and also to separate different types of markup!). For example, it’s easy to forget that you need a blank line between a directive name and it’s target. Or a blank line between the end of a list and the rest of the paragraph.

Sphinx Setup

Canonically, the folder structure of a Python repo looks like

├── docs
│ ├── build
│ ├── make.bat
│ ├── Makefile
│ └── source
│… … ├──
│… … └── index.rst
├── requirements.txt
└── package_name
└── subpackage

This section will cover how to create and populate the docs directory.

Thankfully, Sphinx comes with a quick setup tool that makes startup a breeze.

First, pip install sphinx. Then, in the top level directory (git-repo-name above), simply run

$ mkdir doc
$ cd doc
$ sphinx-quickstart

In response to the prompts:

  1. Request a separate “build” and “source” directory to get the folder structure as shown above.
  2. Fill in your project’s information as requested.
  3. When asked what extensions should be installed, I recommended selecting “yes” for everything except “imgmath”. Instead wait for the next option, “mathjax”, which is basically superior in every way.
  4. Everything else can be safely left on the defaults.

Cleaning Up After Sphinx’s Auto Setup

Sphinx needs the file to be able to import your package, so that it can use the docstrings in its modules’ dicts’ __doc__ attributes to create the automatic documentation.

Unfortunately, the sphinx-quickstart script isn’t very smart about this, so we often need to add a couple of lines near the top of the script

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..')

import package_name

These paths should point to your package’s directory from the perspective of your “doc” and “source” directories.

I also recommended changing the “version” and “release” strings at the top of to point to the appropriate attributes in your module. If you don’t know what that should be, simply use the following (and see the section on versioneer for how to set up your git repo to automatically track version numbers easily (for now, just make sure there’s a __version__ = 'X.Y.Z' statement in your package’s file.

version = package_name.__version__
release = package_name.__version__

Finally, while we’re here, let’s tell Sphinx what type of docstrings we use, and ask it to automatically generate an index of all packages, modules, classes, functions, methods, etc.

# Autodoc settings
autosummary_generate = True

# Napoleon settings
napoleon_google_docstring = False
napoleon_numpy_docstring = True

This code can go anywhere below the extensions definition line in

Using Sphinx

Sphinx’s build system basically works by eval’ing your file, compiling index.rst, and then looking for any .. toc:: directives and compiling the rst files that these point to.

For each such *.rst file we create, Sphinx will create a single webpage. index.rst will be our default landing page, but other than that, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can create!


At this point you should be able to follow some examples of using Sphinx, for documentation. You can inspect the documentation of any popular Python package, like numpy, or scipy, but these packages are quite complex. For a more easy to understand example I recommend the seaborn plotting package. The code for its documentation can be found on Github.

In what follows, I’ll outline the typical structure of my own personal documentation, which basically boils down to automatically generated API documentation, and Jupyter notebook (or raw RST pages) that contain tutorials for different parts of my package. For an example of what this looks like for a more “realistic” Python project, see the documentation for the multi_locus_analysis package.

Creating a “Page”

While normally label names and reference names are used as described above (and have no relationship to the name of the file containing the label), Sphinx finds documentation pages by looking for files whose file name matches a label referenced by the .. toctree:: directive of your index.rst file.

In English, what that means is that to add a new page to your documentation website, you must first add an entry to the toctree, like API reference <api>, for example. Then you must create a file whose name EXACTLY matches the label (the bit in angle brackets, so in this case the file must be called api.rst).

Finally, in order for that file to be correctly linked to, make sure that it has a label on its main title. In the case above, the file would start with something like:

.. _api:

API reference

Do this for each page you wish to create.

Layout of the website

I try to use a simple layout for my documentation websites. Namely, my toctree points to any tutorials that I might have set up for my package, and then has one final entry for the API documentation. See the code for this website for an example.

API Docs

The main strength of Sphinx is its ability to understand Python code and docstrings automagically. However, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that most people find the “autosummary module” that comes with sphinx to be not quite… auto …enough.

But that’s no big deal! Some bright people have written an “autoautosummary” extension that is much easier to use. It’s not included in mainline sphinx however, so we’ll have to copy the code into our ourselves.

First copy the Manual extensions section of this package’s file into your own project, and add sphinx.ext.autosummary to the list of required extensions in Then, copy the doc/source/_templates/autosummary_module.rst file from this package into your own repo.

Now, simply copy the api.rst file from this repo and create one entry per module that you want to document!

Once you have your Sphinx documentation building locally (i.e. make html works in the doc directory), then all that’s left to get a beautiful website online for your package is to make an account on, then follow the instructions to link this account with your Github account!